When you first use SharePortals, it will display single click items in the purple main navigation ribbon to access default Record Types created during installation. The main navigation supports the following:

1. A link to a SharePortals Record list or a SharePoint list stored within the associated SharePoint site
2. Sub menus, where records or lists are accessed through a menu item
3. Embedded web pages from an external link surfaced within SharePortals e.g a Power BI report
4. A link to open an external link as a new tab outside of SharePortals e.g related 3rd party applications


1. Rename a Record Type or list by typing a new name and clicking save. This will also update all references within SharePortals to the Record Type or list.

2. Remove a record type or list from the navigation. This does not delete the container, therefore it can be added back in again in the future if desired.

3.Add a New Main Menu Item by clicking the button, selecting a record type or list, and typing its name for display purposes.

4. Restore Default Navigation if there are configuration errors which for navigation preventing changes being saved.

5. Clear Navigation Cache if you have issues seeing your changes immediately.

Last Modified: 2022/07/06


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